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More about me


There are a few more friends joining us, so I thought I would re-introduce myself!

My name is Brit Williams and I’m the owner and creator of Please & Thank You Granola Bars. I love, love, love sharing my passion with each of you!

Each of you are what makes this so worth it, please know that I’m grateful for you everyday! Whether you share your support by purchasing product, sharing/liking us on social, telling your friends about us or helping me build the business – I appreciate each and every one of you!

As my special thank you to you, use promo code THANKYOU10 for 10% off your next order!

More about me:

I’m married to my best friend, Trevor Williams, he’s my rock and makes everything so much better. I’m a mom to Oakley, who is a fun-loving, enthusiastic, caring, lovable little boy that brings me joy every day. I’m pregnant with Baby Girl Williams, due this October – so far, she is VERY active and is taking all my energy. And, of course, Tillie too! She is our dog that has been with me longer than Trevor and longer than some of my friends, she’s my shadow, my partner, my girl – she’s got spunk and lots of personality!

I grew up in Farmington, MN, went to school in Minnesota (University of St. Thomas) and currently live in Dayton, MN. I have only lived outside of Minnesota for one year and that was in Chicago (Chicago didn’t like me as much as I didn’t like Chicago 😉).

I also am a full-time event planner for a local medical device company. I’ve been in the event industry full time for about 6 years. Prior to that I was at a financial services company for 10 years. Now with my passion project of Please & Thank You, I stay busy and very fulfilled!

More about why:

I currently produce and package all my products in a commercial kitchen and can be found at multiple farmers markets and few local retail shops. I have loved learning, creating and developing a business and my customers make it all worth it - it’s so true that when you support local, the person’s heart behind that product beams with every sale, comment, repost, support 😊.

The why:

  • I started this business because I want to provide a granola bar that was nutritionally packed with goodness while tasting so delicious you can’t help but come back for more.

  • I named my business Please & Thank You because at the time I was teaching my son manners and it reminded me of the power of manners – it’s important to treat each other with respect and kindness, even if you may not agree.

  • I continue my business because I’ve realized there’s a bigger goal to all this – not only do I want to share a high-quality, yummy granola bar that reminds us to treat each other well, but I want to be a part of the community that cracks the code on an economical, user-friendly, shelf-life supporting single-snack packaging solution. I think we need to figure out packaging for single-use snacks that don’t just load up the landfills – just because we love and need convenience doesn’t mean we can forget about what that does to our earth. We’ll get there!

More about my passion and things I like to do:

I live by 3 values that drive my interests, my goals and my decisions: “To live with passion, stand loyalty and exude gratefulness” - if I can do those three things, I think I’m on the right track.

I love the following things – in no particular order:

  • Plaid, anyone want to join me in my 4th annual Plaid Challenge in the month of December??

  • Reading/Listing to books – I read every night before bed and listen to audiobooks when I drive and go for walks. At any given time, I’m likely to have 2 books going (almost all are fiction).

  • I love throwing parties (not just corporate events) - I love a good theme, a massive spread, games, activities, and just good old fun with great people – my next party is Oakley’s 4th birthday – “Watch out, Oakley’s turning FORE!!!” (golf themed)

  • I can easily geek out on a spreadsheet and feel very comforted by lists and organization! Earlier this year, I was on the podcast Ivy Unleashed by Gold Ivy Health Co. for Prioritizing You Time and Determining Your System. You’ll find out just how much of a nerd I am 😉 and definitely check this company out!

  • I’m active and like to workout everyday for my own sanity – always down for a walk!

  • Coffee!! I like almond milk lattes with a half shot of vanilla – either iced or hot, depending on the temperature!

  • Love Love Love learning and supporting other awesome local business – Minnesota is the best for supporting their community – cheers to all of you!



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